
Please keep checking this section frequently. Important announcements, policy/config changes and maintenence windows are posted on this page.


Resource Limits Update: Please check the Resource Limits page for recent changes.


Resource Limits Update: Users can now request upto 4 Nvidia RTX 3090 GPUs from the kestrel-gpu partition. This is in addition to the 2x A100s from the peregrine-gpu partition.


Cluster re-configuration has finished successfully. A new partition named kestrel-gpu is now available for use. This brings in 12x RTX 3090s GPUs. In addition to the new partition, there have been some changes in job limits, users can now have two GPU jobs in running state. Details can be found in the GPU jobs section.


The machines rock,paper and scissors will be merged into the cluster on Nov 1,2022. There would be a brief outage for the scheduler to allow for re-configuration. Hence jobs with runtimes that run past Nov 1 would not get scheduled.


Launch date for Falcon cluster