Policies and Conduct

On this page, we outline specific requirements from your side and best practices that are essential for maintaining a productive shared working experience. These policies are in addition to the CS computing policies described here.

  • A basic knowledge of Linux command line and shell scripting is expected. Consider going through some Linux tutorials first if you have never used the command line.
  • Make use of the documentation on the SNA website before seeking assistance. Everything required to write and submit jobs for many applications is described here.
  • Submit jobs to the appropriate partition, and with the correct QOS.
  • Please make sure correctness of your code/algorithm by testing on a smaller dataset/time frame.
  • Verify that your job completes successfully before submitting it several times.
  • Make sure paths referenced in the job script are valid.
  • Using checkpointing mechanisms is highly recommended.
Resource Usage
  • Jobs should not be run directly on the login nodes, also known as submit or user nodes.
  • Only request the resources which your job needs, do not over-request resources.