Using JupyterNotebook

How do I use JupyterNotebook ?

You may use either Anaconda, or the modules bundle for Python 3.6/3.8/3.9. Configure your environment as shown in the Python Libraries section. After you have configured it, you can use JupyterNotebook as:


Note that this command starts the JupyterNotebook server on port 8888 and opens a browser window. This works if you are logged into a physical session on the machine, or through a remote desktop connection.

How do I use JupyterNotebook remotely?

You can either use the remote desktop connection to connect to a CS machine via a GUI session and start JupyterNotebook as explained above, or use SSH tunneling.

SSH tunneling is explained below:

  1. Connect to a CS machine via SSH (follow this guide)
  2. Set up your environment with either Anaconda, or the modules bundle for Python 3.6/3.8 as shown in the Python Libraries section.
  3. Start JupyterNotebook without opening the browser (that’s the key), via the command:
jupyter-notebook --no-browser --port=9090
  1. Now set up an SSH tunnel to a CS machine, from your laptop. Type this command in a terminal on your laptop (and not on the CS machine):
ssh -N -L 9090:localhost:9090

Replace your-eid with your CS username and cs-machine-name with an actual name of a CS machine.

  1. Now on your laptop, open this URL in a browser: http://localhost:9090/